Wednesday, 5 September 2012


For the third day yesterday the teachers are still adamant that they will not call off the country wide strike till the government heeds to their demand for a 300 percent pay rise. The teachers say that they won`t be intimidated by neither the Chief justice nor the minister of education or even the two principals Prime Minister Raila Odinga and President Mwai Kibaki. “We are ready to go on with the strike until the government takes action. We will lose nothing except poverty. “The teaching sector is a competitive sector like any other because it is made up of qualified people so itshall not be intimidated by any civil service,” said the chairman Knut Mombasa Johnson Kibuga. “We have checked all schools and confirmed that no teacher has attended classes. The teachers should be steadfast and should not shy away from the strike or give up in any way because we are fighting for our right,” Mr Kibuga added. The teachers in Mombasa demanded that the Education Minister to be sacked or they be given what they are demanding that’s when they will stop the industrial action. The recent demonstration of teachers in other counties in Kenya caused havoc and the police were forced to interrupt and used force to scatter the rowdy teachers. The action of the police was condemned by the secretary KNUT Mombasa Mr Stephen Ouma. “I condemn with the strongest term possible the beating of harmless teachers. How do you expect such teachers who were beaten up to attend to students? The police should be respectful in their operation and should not go as far as beating up innocent teachers,” Mr Ouma said. The bitter teachers appealed to the teachers of Machakos that they should not vote for the Mutula Kilonzo as governor in the coming elections. “We are appealing to the teachers of Machakos particularly Makueni,Mbooni where Mr Mutula kilonzo is vying to be the governor`s position. The teachers in that area should do the needful because they are in the rural area and Mr Mutula Kilonzo cannot be a leader,” the KNUT treasurer Mombasa Mr David Mulei said. Furthermore the teachers do not allow the graduates and retired teachers to go and teach. This was also backed by a parent of Burhania primary school Ms Khadija Muadham “The ones who are losing are the children the teachers should be paid fully in order to resume classes,” said Ms Muadham whose child is now in class 8 “If anyone knows of any graduates or retired teachers who has taken the responsibility of teaching let us know so that we can go and flash them out. We do not allow our children to be taught by people who will mislead them. We are promising our children that once we are paid properly we will resume classes and teach you,” Mr Kibuga said. The teachers threatened to disrupt the Kenya Primary School Heads Association (KEPSHA) conference that will take place in Mombasa. The Head teachers are also KNUT members. When there is an industrial action only the instructions from the KNUT headquarter is taken. We have strategized that all teachers from Kwale Mombasa Taita Lamu Kilifi will head there to make sure the conference does not take place. Every teacher should be united and no one should be used as a project to disrupt the teachers’ demonstration,” Mr Mulei said. “This year 101 billion shillings was returned to the treasury the teachers only need only 43 billion so that children can learn. So we should not be fooled that there is no money,” Mr Mulei added.


Coast Interfaith Council of Clerics (CICC) yesterday resolved to use events within the calendars to promote peaceful cohesion in Mombasa. The clerics have also resolved to attend each other`s festivals as an Inter-Faith venture. This is with the motive of restoring peace in Mombasa. The media was also urged to consider the Supreme Council of Kenyan Muslims (Supkem), Council of Imams and Preachers in Kenya (CIPK), CICC, Hindu Council and Mombasa Church (MCF) as the organs to give the official religious position because they have been consistent in condemning the recent violence in Mombasa. Furthermore, the clerics advised their followers not to heed to provocation and divisive preaching of extremists in all religions who use houses of worship to propagate their misguided ideologies. The religious leaders added that the public is skeptical about the outcome effectiveness and outcome about the establishment of a team to investigate the death of Sheikh Aboud Rogo by the Director of Public Prosecution. However, they called out to anyone with evidence to cooperate with investigation team and demand that the report be made public within the scheduled time. The public was requested to heed to the National Cohesion and Integration Act Articles 13 and 62 regarding hate speech and incitement. It was also noted that the FM stations should also be prudent in their reporting and in their live talk shows many of which are not helping to reduce tension in Mombasa. “The government has to honor its part of the deal by quickly and promptly keeping its promise and duty to compensate and repair those churches that were destroyed in last week`s violence because it has an obligation to protect the lives and property of its citizens,” the CICC chairman Fr. Wilybard Lagho said. The Clerics in Mombasa were speaking under the auspices of the Coast Inter-Faith Council of Clerics together with the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC). The CICC will establish a hotline to report hate speech and incitement to violence. A rapid response team (RRT) is also to be established within CICC to monitor and respond to any religious or political tension. Fr. Lagho added that the CICC is determined to maintain the spirit of respect and harmony in the coastal religion for it has always been a diverse, cosmopolitan multi-ethnic and multi-religious area.

Monday, 3 September 2012


By EMMANUEL BOAZ Mr Said Abubakar Shariff Ahmed alias Makaburi Ahmed yesterday denied charges of violence and disobedience of the law. The prosecutor Mr Peter Munguti read the charges as on the 27th of august at Masjid Musa Mosque in Majengo Area of Mombasa County within lawful excuse uttered words that all Sheikhs associated to the government agent to be slaughtered, all churches within the region should be burnt down and any Police Officer on sight should be killed which words indicated to bring death or physical injury to any person or any person or to any class, community or body of person or destruction of properties. Warrant of arrest of Mr Said Abubakar Shariff Ahmed alias Makaburi was today lifted by the chief magistrate Mr Elvis Micheka as applied by his lawyer Mr Mbugua Mureithi. A debate was also raised between the prosecutor and Mr Ahmeds` lawyer about following the legal court procedure. The prosecutor also said that Mr Ahmed was to help the police in the pending investigation. “We have the process which is followed before the accused is brought to court. We need at least two full working days to complete these investigations. I apply this case to be mentioned in this case on the 6th and the accused person to be remanded in police custody,” the prosecutor said “On the 30th of august when the case was filed against Mr Ahmed, no allegations were made by the prosecution that the accused was at large or a fugitive of the law. All that the prosecutor said was application of warrant of arrest. The accused has clearly demonstrated that he is not fugitive of the law he has brought himself to court despite not having being served formally the requirement to come to court,” Mr Mureithi said. “He is not to be subjected to detention orders because the constitution under article 49 clauses 1 (h) says such a person when he appears before the court has a right to be freed on bond. I urge a bail to be granted and direct that he report to the OC flying squad Makupa to be subjected to the formal process as soon as the bail is granted,” Mr Mureithi added. Application to the release the accused on bail was rejected by the magistrate. Mr Salim was however remanded at central police station awaiting hearing of his case on the 5th of September.


Students from different public primary and secondary schools in Mombasa County were today left stranded as teachers went on strike as they had promised. Public Primary and Secondary school students from all schools in Mombasa County forced to head back home on their first day at school after the august holidays. The secretary of Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) in Kilindini branch Mombasa County Mr Dan Aloo said that the strike is in progress as planned. “We are ready to fight with this oppressive government till 2014. The salary given to us is peanuts and we have a right to demand our payment. We are also sure that even private schools will join us because the exams will not be undertaken in Kenya without the teachers education internationally only recognizes the teacher given a license.” Mr Aloo lamented. The teachers are on strike demanding an increment in their salaries and called for all Head teachers and stakeholders to join in the fight against oppression. “We have agreed between teachers, students, parents leaders and all unions that teachers have a right to demand the increment in their salary,” he said “The teachers are educated and hardworking. We want our members of parliament to demonstrate on our behalf and to demand for ministerial statement in parliament,” he added “We are sending a message to the government that we shall not go back to class until all our demands are met and we are ready to continue with the strike for as long as the government has not heeded to our demands,” said the Chairman of KNUT Mombasa County Mr Johnson Kibuga. “Nobody is going to be seen within the vicinity of any public school until the secretary general commands and demands the teachers to go back to school,” Mr Kibuga said. The minister of Education Mr Mutula Kilonzo said that the strike is illegal but the order was neglected by the teachers saying that the strike is very much legal because the new constitution allows us to go on strike if the employer and employee do not agree. “Teachers are ready to fight for your rights because It is only in teaching profession where big negotiations have to be made. Other sectors people do not negotiate they are given salaries just on a silver platter. But for us, since independence we have had to go on strike to get what is rightfully ours. ,” the Chairman added. All the teachers cried out Solidarity power, solidarity pesa, and solidarity forever. However education went on as usual in private schools. “Your students are not learning but the children from the rich families in private schools are in progress.” Mr Aloo called for students to demonstrate to the District Commissioners office and parents to head to the courts. Education is the key in this country.

Saturday, 1 September 2012


By EMMANUEL BOAZ The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Museum of Kenya (NMK) has officially declared his candidature for the position of Lamu County Governor. Mr Issa Timamy who has today resigned said that he believes for the 9 years he has served as the chairman of NMK he has served to the best of his capacity and his achievements and successes are there for all to see. Mr Timamy is vying for the governor`s seat using the the United Democratic Forum (UDF) party ticket. “I’ve transformed the NMK from a moribund to a vibrant, relevant and effective institution,” he said. Mr Timamy has tones of promises for residents Lamu County. He will first deal with education sector. “Lamu County has been tailing when it comes to education and no leader has raised an eye brow and questioned the reason behind this. This is the chance for Lamu to shine when it comes to education,” He will also deal with economic empowerment where he will initiate small projects in agriculture and fishing. “Lamu has been ranked seventh resource wise but it is currently ranked one of the poorest Counties in Kenya. It is a contradiction in terms and this is indeed a reflection of poor leadership where resources do not benefit the citizens,” he said Mr Timamy will deal with drug abuse because Lamu has a dubious reputation of being drug den unemployment is rampant, poverty and inequality has increased. “In 90 days we will be able to scrape away drug abuse in Lamu once he is governor because he feels the current Government is not taking any action to curb drug abuse,” He added. With the construction of the new port at Lamu the Culture and heritage Concert is not affected and Mr Timamy will see to it that those who will be affected by the construction will be compensated fully and handsomely. Ends.


By EMMANUEL BOAZ The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Museum of Kenya (NMK) has today resigned and officially declared his candidature for the position of Lamu County Governor using the United Democratic Forum (UDF) party ticket. Mr Issa Timamy said that he believes for the 9 years he has served as the chairman of NMK he has served to the best of his capacity and his achievements and successes are there for all to see. “I’ve transformed the NMK from a moribund to a vibrant, relevant and effective institution,” he said. Mr Timamy has tones of promises for residents Lamu County. He will first deal with education sector. “Lamu County has been tailing when it comes to education and no leader has raised an eye brow and questioned the reason behind this. This is the chance for Lamu to shine when it comes to education,” He will also deal with economic empowerment where he will initiate small projects in agriculture and fishing. “Lamu has been ranked seventh resource wise but it is currently ranked one of the poorest Counties in Kenya. It is a contradiction in terms and this is indeed a reflection of poor leadership where resources do not benefit the citizens,” he said Mr Timamy will deal with drug abuse because Lamu has a dubious reputation of being drug den unemployment is rampant, poverty and inequality has increased. “In 90 days we will be able to scrape away drug abuse in Lamu once he is governor because he feels the current Government is not taking any action to curb drug abuse,” He added. With the construction of the new port at Lamu the Culture and heritage Concert is not affected and Mr Timamy will see to it that those who will be affected by the construction will be compensated fully and handsomely. Ends.