Saturday, 1 September 2012


By EMMANUEL BOAZ The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Museum of Kenya (NMK) has officially declared his candidature for the position of Lamu County Governor. Mr Issa Timamy who has today resigned said that he believes for the 9 years he has served as the chairman of NMK he has served to the best of his capacity and his achievements and successes are there for all to see. Mr Timamy is vying for the governor`s seat using the the United Democratic Forum (UDF) party ticket. “I’ve transformed the NMK from a moribund to a vibrant, relevant and effective institution,” he said. Mr Timamy has tones of promises for residents Lamu County. He will first deal with education sector. “Lamu County has been tailing when it comes to education and no leader has raised an eye brow and questioned the reason behind this. This is the chance for Lamu to shine when it comes to education,” He will also deal with economic empowerment where he will initiate small projects in agriculture and fishing. “Lamu has been ranked seventh resource wise but it is currently ranked one of the poorest Counties in Kenya. It is a contradiction in terms and this is indeed a reflection of poor leadership where resources do not benefit the citizens,” he said Mr Timamy will deal with drug abuse because Lamu has a dubious reputation of being drug den unemployment is rampant, poverty and inequality has increased. “In 90 days we will be able to scrape away drug abuse in Lamu once he is governor because he feels the current Government is not taking any action to curb drug abuse,” He added. With the construction of the new port at Lamu the Culture and heritage Concert is not affected and Mr Timamy will see to it that those who will be affected by the construction will be compensated fully and handsomely. Ends.

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